WEEKEND 2 | 24 AUG 2024
Start Somewhere
In Weekend 2, we invite you to start somewhere, here with us. Start at your desired level of participation, the themes that matter to you, and the communities you want to get to know.
In collaboration with the Resident Partners of Common Ground Civic Centre, we explore how our different types of work can come together to build whole communities. Convening around different topics and themes, get involved in different conversations, learn a new skill or two, and discover alternative ways we can live, work and play in Singapore.
Choose from 10 interactive experiences throughout the day!
Our Collaborators
What’s happening at Weekend 2
24 AUG 2024, SAT | WEEKEND 2
Raising Children Compassionately:
How to build deeper connections using Non-Violent Communication
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Convened by: Brave Feats Student Care
Session Type: Workshop -
All of us have experienced sarcasm, silent treatments, criticism, blame games, but what we may not realise is how ‘violent’ these forms of communication are - especially for children.
To build resilience and improve well-being, children require kind, understanding and compassionate adults around them so that they can feel safe and well-adjusted.
This workshop uses a methodology known as Non-Violent Communication (NVC) to unpack how we can better connect, listen and communicate with children more intentionally. When we communicate better with our children, we can connect better with them.
In this session:
Learn how meaningful connection between child-child and adult-child can improve children’s overall well-being.
Learn how to apply the basics of Nonviolent Communication tools so that you can have kinder, more effective communication with the children in your life.
This session is led by:
CHUEN-YIN NG | Co-founder, Brave Feats
JOANNA SIN | Assistant Principal, Brave FeatsBRAVE FEATS STUDENT CARE is an after-school student care centre which places emphasis on students' well being and building social-emotional skills, while providing a balanced holistic education for all-round development of the children. Brave Feats hopes to reshape the learning and caring system of after-school care in Singapore.
Parents and adults who are interested to build a deeper connection with children.
Grants & Glory:
How to slay the funding game
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Convened by: Green Nudge
Session Type: Workshop -
Set at an introductory level, this workshop aims to introduce an overview of grants to support community work in Singapore.
Using personal examples, the session hopes to provide a level up for aspiring changemakers and community shapers who are looking for resources to launch their projects.
Participants will bring back some ideas of how they may position their grants as well as begin to improve the way they write their grants.
In this session:
Gain an understanding of the grant landscape in Singapore, particularly for youth and community causes.
Understand how the typical grant process works and how to budget for the grant.
Be aware of the common pitfalls and mistakes in grant writing.
Learn to improve the quality of existing grant applications.
This session is led by:
HENG LI SENG | Founder, Green Nudge
GREEN NUDGE is a green social enterprise which supports businesses and communities to create a positive environmental impact through activities, outreach, and consulting services. In doing so, we hope to create a normative shift in the way we create and deal with waste so as to achieve a low carbon zero waste Singapore.
First time grant applicants
Aspiring community makers
Youths and students
Anyone fascinated by grants
Hugh Grant
Children’s Circle:
What matters to our Children?
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Convened by: Playeum
Session Type: Children's Circle -
Leading up to Singapore60, Playeum is inviting children aged 6-12 years of age to be part of a movement to playfully engage children to express their views, feelings and wishes on what matters to them.
The session aims to test out what children’s civic participation might look like. We are asking children how belonging could look like at home, in their community and in Singapore.The voices of participating children will be presented to Children’s Museum Singapore and will inform their work with artists and educators.
This session will:
Provide a playful process for children to express their views, feelings and wishes on what matters to them.
Encourage children to decide on how they can contribute to an idea children are passionate about.
Influence the way organisations gather and get inspired by children’s voices.
This session is facilitated by:
KAREN CHIN | Pedagogist, Playeum
NUR HAFIZAH NUR HAMIDY | Learning & Engagement Lead, PlayeumPLAYEUM is an independent registered charity with a strong social mission: to champion children of all backgrounds and abilities to be active citizens, through play and the arts. Through outreach & community service, Playeum creates experiences for children that build the development of transformative 21st-century life skills and their potential to contribute in their homes, neighbourhoods, schools and society at large. Playeum also works alongside their adults; parents and educators, in empowering them to be creative facilitators of their child's growth.
This session is for children!
Children ages 6-9
Children ages 10-12
For this session, each family will only need 1 ticket! For example: If you have 2 children between ages 6-12, you will only need to purchase 1 ticket for both your children and both parents to participate in the Children's Circle.
For this session, we are inviting children from 6 to 12 years old and they will be separated into 2 groups (6 to 9 year-olds and 10 to 12 year-olds).
If you are not participating in other sessions, you are welcome to drop off your children for some ME time.
If you would like to be more involved in the session, you may play one of the following roles!
Children’s Circle Family Reception Volunteer
You will help receive families who have signed up their child(ren) as participant(s) so they can feel welcomed.
Children's Circle Safekeeper
You will be looking after the safety of child participants during the session should any child need the restroom, a drink or some quiet time to calm down.
Care-racter Co-Creator Crash Course:
How to use PowerPoint as an inclusive design tool
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Convened by: Artably
Session Type: Workshop -
Discover the power in PowerPoint to nurture creative confidence in children by designing local-themed characters as a tool for self-expression and storytelling.
In this workshop, learn how to use a 'back-to-basics' approach of simple shapes, lines, and curves so that you can teach it forward to anyone to learn, regardless of age or level of skill.
In this session:
Design your own character by learning the fundamentals & basic tools to draw characters using simple shapes, lines and curves on PowerPoint through a step-by-step demonstration so that you can teach it forward to anyone regardless of age or level of skill.
Explore how to use these character as a conversation and storytelling tool to help both children and adult express what's important to them.
Discover the possibilities of collaboration with your community in fun and creative ways e.g GIF stickers, educational videos, print merchandise.
This session is led by:
AMINUR RASYID | Artist + Founder, Artably
ELIZABETH GOH | Artist, MoppyArt
ARTABLY is an inclusive creative studio in Singapore, madly passionate about anything and everything illustration and design. Founded in 2020, our platform is committed towards shaping a more inclusive creative community through the power of art and purposeful storytelling. We believe in supporting impact driven business and organisations to co-create meaningful experiences with a good cause. -
Art therapists exploring digital art as a medium
Art programme educators
Youth workers looking to engage children in a creative way
Anyone interested in learning a new storytelling skill
In this workshop, participants will design your own character using PowerPoint! As such, participants will need to bring your own digital devices, i.e. laptop, tablet or iPad with PowerPoint installed. There will be a limited number of tablets available for loan on a first come, first served basis.
Living On The Edge:
What does poverty in Singapore look like?
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Convened by: Daughters of Tomorrow
Session Type: Interactive Activity -
In this 3-hour interactive game play, get a glimpse into the life of a multi-stressed person from the low-income community. Step into their shoes and be faced with the challenges and difficult decisions that they must make every single day.
In this session:
Get insights into realities of multi-stressed, lower income families.
See the human cost of poverty and generate empathy for the less privileged.
Be motivated to take meaningful actions.
Gain a perspective shift in relating to unique individuals.
This session is led by:
KAYLEE KUA | Executive Director, Daughters of Tomorrow
FANNIE LIM | CEO, EtonHouse Community Fund
DAUGHTERS OF TOMORROW (DOT) is an IPC charity empowering underprivileged women into sustained employment, thus enabling their families towards social mobility. DOT complements existing training and workforce-related agencies by connecting volunteers and community resources to enable each woman on an individual level.
Anyone interested in conversations around inequality.
To facilitate a conducive game play, this session will start promptly at 1pm. Please note that participants who are late for this session will not be allowed into the room.
There is no dress code but please dress comfortably.
Building an Inclusive Society:
How can we better support caregivers of children with special educational needs (SEN)?
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Convened by: InSchool
Session Type: Human Library -
In this Human Library, we gather 4 individuals to share their lived experiences, challenges and advice for parents and caregivers of children with Special Education Needs (SEN) so that they can better prepare for the journey ahead.
Exchanging insights and wisdom through questions and stories, we will hear from:
Ex-SEN officer from polytechnic and university
Tertiary education lecturer with experience in supporting SEN students
SEN student
Caregiver of SEN children
This session is led by:
EDWARD ZENG | Director & Centre Manager, InSchoolINSCHOOL is a social enterprise that provides integrated student care, support, and growth for 7 to 12 year-old students with special needs. We provide our students with the necessary tailored assistance for their healthy personal growth through a meaningful approach, and with a focus on integrating them into mainstream society that is steered towards building an inclusive future.
Parents and caregivers of children with Special Education Needs (SEN)
Individuals who are interested in contributing to the SEN space for children age 7 to 12 and 13 to 17
Death by a Thousand Cuts:
How to Overcome Distraction in an ADHD World
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Convened by: Myles & More
Session Type: Workshop -
Attention & Focus are growing virtues in our hyper-productive world. Yet, we see a rise in attention disorders (like ADHD) around us and even within us.
You’ll learn hands-on skills – self-reflection, setting boundaries, building habits – to fight off distractions and up your productivity game. We'll end with a no-BS Q&A to nail down what you've learned and handle your personal hurdles.
In this session:
Understand the nature of distraction as a chronic issue and its impact on professional and personal life.
Identify the root causes of distraction, including identity and purpose uncertainties, and boundary violations.
Develop practical skills to counter distraction through self-reflection, boundary setting, and habit formation.
Create a supportive environment for participants to share experiences and strategies, fostering a sense of community and accountability.
This session is led by:
BRANDON MYLES | Founder, Myles & More
At MYLES & MORE we cut through the noise to help our clients educate the audiences that matter most. Over the past 13 years, we’ve cranked out hundreds of powerful educational films for a mix of clients. Our mission? To educate and inspire change – one audience at a time.
Working professionals with ADHD
Roots & Routes:
How do we map Bedok’s communities through time?
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Convened by: Kontinentalist
Session Type: Workshop -
Building on Kontinentalist's previous iteration of the session at Creating Narratives for Change Festival 2023, which tracks the social impacts of the built environment on local communities, this session aims to map the physical and emotional changes experienced by various diverse communities in Bedok.
Using participatory mapping, Bedok residents will have the opportunity to map out the places where they socialise, learn, work, and play!
In this session,
Gain insights into how the local community utilises their local spaces, their values and challenges faced.
Draw out the social and emotional dimensions of changes in the Bedok neighbourhood through daily experiences of its residents.
Foster intergenerational learning by exploring what Bedok was like in the past and what it has become today, helping different generations and communities comprehend the extensive changes the area has undergone.
This session is led by:
DARRELL LIAN | Business Manager, Kontinentalist
NABILAH SAID | Editorial Lead, Kontinentalist
SAMIRA HASSAN | Community ManagerKONTINENTALIST is a data-driven storytelling studio based in Singapore. We tell data-driven stories about Asia that cut through the noise, bridging the gap between research and the public.
The Bedok community!
Anyone interested in community mapping
The World is in a Mess:
Really meh? Then how ah?
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Convened by: Studio Dojo
Session Type: Conversation -
TRIGGER WARNING: This session is a brief introduction to the permacrisis, polycrisis and metacrisis. The discussion and concepts covered may make you feel overwhelmed, depressive and/or anxious. Please only sign up if you are in a good space, comfortable with ambiguity, and can bring in a mood of curiosity.
Why do businesses race to develop AI even when many warn us of serious consequences? What makes kids (or parents!) push themselves to the limit with so many hours into studies, tuition and enrichment classes even when they are obviously exhausted? Why do nations face stalemate in climate change conversations even after so many discussions?
There seems to be so much human activity and effort to resolve many of the challenges we face on a global, regional, national, societal and even individual level. Yet, there also seems to be so little movement and improvement. Something just isn't working despite our best efforts and we need to understand why.
In this intimate session, we will be exploring the common, underlying system dynamics and incentives that drive many of the wicked problems we are experiencing and contributing to, without even us knowing. The concepts we will cover will be an introduction into the work of people like Nate Hagens, Daniel Schmachtenberger and Ian McGilchrist.
In this session:
Identify the differences between permacrisis, polycrisis and metacrisis.
Understand game theoretic drivers of behavior that is common across all types of crises.
Explore how these drivers repeat themselves in areas that affect our lives in big and small, direct and indirect ways, such as social media, school, weapons of mass destruction, AI, businesses and politics.
Consider: What is the wisest thing we can do now?
This session is led by:
HONG KHAI SENG | Founder & Director, Studio Dojo
STUDIO DOJO helps designers, teams and companies grow and develop. We do that through training, coaching and advising, as well as supporting the community. Our approach draws from the intersection of four disciplines: Futures Thinking, Design Thinking, Organisational Development and Leadership Development.
Anyone who is interested in larger societal issues beyond Singapore, curious about wicked problems or large systems.
One Size Fits Some:
How can we scale inclusion meaningfully?
One Size Fits Some:
How can we scale inclusion meaningfully?Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Convened by: Werable
Session Type: Panel -
Join us for an interactive panel session where advocates in inclusion share their experiences and insights on the hurdles of creating scalable, inclusive products and services. Is a universal solution a myth, or can we make one-size-fits-all work?
Dive into dynamic discussions on overcoming obstacles and discovering strategies to ensure inclusion is adaptable and effective for everyone.
In this session, we will dive into:
What does meaningful inclusion look like?
What are the challenges with scaling accessibility?
How can we leverage on universal design to scale inclusion?
What are the pros and cons of universal design?
This session is led by:
CLAUDIA POH | Founder, Werable
WERABLE is an inclusive brand and we make fashion easy to wear for every body.
Fashion for all, from us to you, wherever you call home. We make ethical fashion for every body, shaping a kinder, more inclusive tomorrow. We don't just design clothes; we create meaningful, collaborative experiences between you and the people you care for.partners and clients to bridge the gap between research and the public.
Leaders and advocates for inclusion
Weekend 2 Speakers
What do we need to build whole communities?
Let’s explore at Creating Narratives for Change Festival 2024.
WEEKEND 1 | 17 AUG 2024
Start Something!
In Weekend 1, we invite you to start something. Start your change-making process, start a new way of doing things, start small, start big!
Over 3 sessions, we will scaffold the change-making process and work on small solutions to big problems together. Choose 1 out of 3 key themes centred around our personal, professional and civic lives.
Date: 17 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 8am - 6pm (Full-day) - Registrations begin at 8am
Location: Common Ground Civic Centre -
8:00am - 9:00am
9:00am - 10:30am
Creating Narratives for Change Festival Opening: The Start Point
10:30am - 11:00am
Morning Break
11:00am - 12:30pm
Session 1 | Gain a new awareness!
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Lunch Break
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Session 2 | Learn a new skill!
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Afternoon Break
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Session 3 | Collaborate with others! -
Choose the theme you want to explore for the day.
Meet with like-minded citizens, and learn and work alongside them on the things that matter to you!
Over 3 sessions, you will gain a new awareness, learn a skill and collaborate on a small solution to a big problem together.
Connect with new and old friends at Creating Narratives for Change Festival Opening: The Start Point.
Light refreshments provided all day!
Weekend 1 All-day Pass: $75 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket gives you full-day access to CNFC Festival Weekend 1, which includes CNFC Festival Opening: The Start Point and 1 key theme of your choice consisting of 3 sessions.Pay-it-Forward: $75 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket goes towards an individual, group or community who may otherwise not be able to attend due to financial barriers.Early Bird Discount: 15% off
Chope your spot early and save! Early Bird ends on 21 Jul 2024, Sun.
WEEKEND 2 | 24 AUG 2024
Start Somewhere!
In Weekend 2, we invite you to start somewhere, here with us. Start at your desired level of participation, the themes that matter to you, the communities you want to get to know...
Over the day, create the change-making experience you want for the day by choosing from 10 interactive sessions led by 10 socially-oriented organisations.
Date: 24 Aug 2024, Sat
Time: 8:30am - 8:30pm (Multiple sessions concurrently) - Registrations begin at 8:30am
Location: Common Ground Civic Centre -
Parallel Breakout Sessions A11:30am
Fuel Up: Lunchtime Citizen Conversations1:00pm
Parallel Breakout Sessions B4:00pm
Parallel Breakout Sessions C6:30pm
Creating Narratives for Change Festival Closing: The Pit Stop -
Choose from 10 experiences, themes, topics and skills you want to explore.
Meet with like-minded individuals who also want to work on the things that matter to you.
Gain a new awareness, learn a skill or collaborate on a small solution to a big problem together.
Connect with new and old friends at Creating Narratives for Change Festival Closing: The Pit Stop.
Light refreshments provided all day!
Weekend 2 Single Session Ticket: $30 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket gives you access to 1 session of your choice at CNFC Festival Weekend 2 and CNFC Festival Closing: The Pit Stop (RSVP required due to limited slots available).Weekend 2 All-day Festival pass:$75 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket gives you full-day access to CNFC Festival Weekend 2, which includes 3 sessions of your choice and CNFC Festival Closing: The Pit Stop (RSVP required due to limited slots available).Pay-it-Forward Festival ticket: $30 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket goes towards an individual, group or community who may otherwise not be able to attend due to financial barriers.Early Bird Discount: 15% off
Chope your spot early and save! Early Bird ends on 21 Jul 2024, Sun.
In Weekend 2, we invite you to start somewhere, here with us. Start at your desired level of participation, the themes that matter to you, and the communities you want to get to know. Over the day, pick and choose from 10 interactive sessions led by 10 socially-oriented organisations.
Led by 10 socially-oriented organisations, The Festival explores how our different types of work can combine and contribute to building whole communities.
Participants may choose from the following themes:
Artably | Care-racter Co-Creator Crash Course: How to use PowerPoint as an inclusive design tool
Brave Feats Student Care | Raising Children Compassionately: How to build deeper connections using Non-Violent Communication
Daughters of Tomorrow | Living On The Edge: What does poverty in Singapore look like?
Green Nudge | Grants & Glory: How to slay the funding game
InSchool | Building an Inclusive Society: How can we better support caregivers of children with special educational needs (SEN)?
Kontinentalist | Roots & Routes: How do we map Bedok’s communities through time?
Myles & More | Death by a Thousand Cuts: How to Overcome Distraction in an ADHD World
Playeum | Children’s Circle: What matters to our Children?
Studio Dojo | The World is in a Mess: Really meh? Then how ah?
Werable | One Size Fits Some: How can we scale inclusion meaningfully?
The Festival is in collaboration with the 10 socially-oriented organisations who are the Resident Partners at Common Ground Civic Centre.
Find out more about our Resident Partners:
Artably | Brave Feats Student Care | Daughters of Tomorrow | Green Nudge | InSchool | Kontinentalist | Myles & More | Playeum | Studio Dojo | Werable
The Pit Stop is a celebration of 2 weekends of change-making process, and a brief rest before we continue the work beyond Creating Narratives for Change Festival.
We will gather with new and old friends to connect, express gratitude and exchange ideas for what's next. All ticket-holders are welcomed!
You're more than welcomed to join us. All you have to do is to RSVP as there are limited slots available.
Ticketing Information for Weekend 2
Weekend 2 Single Session Ticket: $30 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket gives you access to 1 session of your choice at CNFC Festival Weekend 2 and CNFC Festival Closing: The Pit Stop (RSVP required due to limited slots available).Weekend 2 All-day Festival pass:$75 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket gives you full-day access to CNFC Festival Weekend 2, which includes 3 sessions of your choice and CNFC Festival Closing: The Pit Stop (RSVP required due to limited slots available).Pay-it-Forward Festival ticket: $30 (excl. GST and platform fees)
This ticket goes towards an individual, group or community who may otherwise not be able to attend due to financial barriers.Early Bird Discount: 15% off
Chope your spot early and save! Early Bird ends on 21 Jul 2024, Sun.
Lunch will not be provided at this event and you will need to arrange for your own meals. However, light refreshments will be available throughout the day. There are also many food options available nearby that cater to a variety of diets.
You may refer here for a general list of FAQs for Creating Narratives for Change Festival or the respective programme segment pages: Weekend 1: Start Something and Weekend 2: Start Somewhere.
If you have any additional questions not listed here, feel free to get in touch with us at community@ourcommonground.com.sg.